Some of the Pictures that touch My Heart...

No rose, no diamond ring, but if this is not love, what is love?
With enthusiasm, love your life! Love the people around you!

Mothers and their child.
This is life.
You do everything to live especially when it comes to the love of our mother
to her childrens.

The father and his son live in an impoverished hilly area. They demandnothing but a piece of land to call their own. Perhaps they will not havea chance to see the outside world all their lives -- they will not knowwhat a staircase is, they will never ride in a taxi, nor will they everstep into a movie theater. But the truth is these are the people who offerus everything our lives depend on, generation after generation. The heavenand earth have nothing to repay them. Love them! At least respect them inyour heart. Otherwise how can we possibly talk about ourselves as human beings?

Di luar utara ( Mongolia bagian dalam) perbatasan, musim semi telah tiba
tetapi udara dingin tetap tinggal. Salju jatuh pada April pagi ini. Di atas menari-nari di langit biru. Seorang laki2 separuh baya menarik gerobaknya, yang di atasnya duduk anak lelaki kecil, dibungkus dengan selimut yang digunakan untuk sayur-mayur agar terhindar dari pembekuan. Dari waktu ke waktu, bapakNya menjaga jahitan selimut untuk meyakinkan bahwa putra nya masih dalam keadaan baik. Dan hidup adalah tentu saja kasar. Bapa dan putranya hanya mempunyai satu sama lain untuk mendukung. Ketika Ayahnya berteriak terdengar nada
dari suara nya, guratan ekspresi wajahnya sangat menyentuh hati.
tak ada yang menolong , namun harus dijalani.
