1. Add your blog/s to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. It’s okay if you only post this questions in one blog as long as you answer them.
2. Get back to Me {YEN} and I’ll add your blogs to the master’s list HERE! Note that you are not ALLOWED to change the link.
3. Copy from Start to End.
4. Tag as many friends online you know. But you don’t need to be tag in order to join. Copy these Participants.
Copy these Participants.
Me and Mine Creative in Me For the LOVE of Food Little Peanut Pea in a Pod It’s Where the HEART Is Around the World SugarMagnolias I Am Mommy All About The Memories Enchanted Play Just My Scrap Whats Up Simply Me Kitchen Deelite A Mothers Horizon In Depth A Life in Bloom Because Life is a Blessing Digiscraptology Joys iN life Life is What we Make it Photo Blog Dancing in Midlife Tune Mommy Talks Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps All Kinds of Me Stuff The Salad Caper Winding Creek Circle InkBabyStudios All Things Me Feels Like Home Because Life Is Fun Blessings and Beyond Mommy Earns Money Online Pinay Mommy Online Clark & Butchay’s Blog Butchay’s World Simply Jen Jenny Said So My Online World My Life in this Wonderful World Biz-N-Honey Aeirin’s Collections My Precious Niche Eds Mommy Life Just Me.. Eds My BIG Picture Merger Guru Quicker8 Insights from the Grocery Cart MindBubbles LivingtheHealthyLife VanityKit Stripe&Yellow SomethingPurple Em’s Detour Joys iN life Life is What we Make it Photo Blog Dancing in Midlife Tune Ozzy’s Mom Me,Myself+2 Kidd Designs Fun.Fierce.Fabulous Tints of My Heart Morphed Dancing With Butterflies Twisted Angel Pieces of Me Just Let Go Blessed Chic A Great Pleasure Mariuca's Perfume Gallery The Chosen One
– Name: nEd
– Birth date: 22nD MaY
– Birthplace: Malaysia
– Current Location: Kota Kinabalu for some course..
– Eye Color: DaRk BrOwN
– Hair Color: BlaCk
– Righty or Lefty: RigHty
– Your heritage: MaLaYsian
– The shoes you wore today: U.S Polo ASSN
– Your weakness: SenSiTiVe
– Your fears: HeiGht, NigHt ThUnDersTorM, DisHoneSty
– Your perfect pizza: Don't RealLy Like PizZa
– Goal you’d like to achieve in life: Superb wife.Nice house.Good children.Satisfying profession
– Your most overused phrase on AIM: HuHu
– Your first waking thoughts: What to wear today..?
– Your best physical feature: Tell me what...
– Your most missed memory: Childhood memories
– Pepsi or Coke: Why no Kit-chai pink..?
– McDonald’s or Burger King: BK
– Single or group dates: Single
– Adidas or Nike: Nike but Adidas is a bonus!
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Iced-lemon Tea la..
– Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
– Cappuccino or coffee: I only drink these when I'm driving or attending long hour of lectures
– A famous person, dead or alive, would you interview: Ellen G. White
– Movie can you watch and say the lines along with the actors: Jack from Titanic :p
– Name two of your passions in life : Teaching & ARts
– Least favorite time of day: 6 in the morning... huhu
– Use hairspray or gel: Gel yes, hairspray sometimes
– Your favorite meal: My mom's recipe
– Color inside of your head when you close your eyes: Mixture of black, purple, green, and white.. Explanation pls..
– Listen to classical music: Yes
– Ever said LOL in real life without thinking about it: Who doesn't..?
Copy the text from Start Copy Here
Post it in your blog. Make sure you copy it in compose mode (blogger) or visual mode for the others. This will enable you to copy all your friend's link as well. Have fun doing it.
In the next number, add your blog url and link it
Add the greetings that you use frequently or one that is in your traditional language