Let me just share with you precious moments of my life with my friends, or more like brothers and sisters to me. These are the combination of old but timeless photos with recent ones. Some of it were already posted in my previous post but well, I just can't help but to share it again with all of you. Mungkin ada di antara orang-orang dalam gambar yang kamu kenal, cousin-cousinkah atau long lost friends, atau ada yang berkenan di hati kah, let me know. After all, this is one of the purpose to blog.
Elparanza Trip to Kuching, Sarawak.
There were supposed to be 8 of us but last minute call, left 0nly 5.
There were supposed to be 8 of us but last minute call, left 0nly 5.
after the meeting of Monsok Charity.
My closest like-family-friends, the Elparanza.
Most of us met each other during Uni years and yet, the bond is as strong as ever!
Most of us met each other during Uni years and yet, the bond is as strong as ever!
Play for health. Futsal at Penampang Futsal Centre.
These are out tentative events; Volleyball, Pingpong, swimming, tennis, badminton and ....
These are out tentative events; Volleyball, Pingpong, swimming, tennis, badminton and ....