New Moon - The Twilight Saga

A few weeks ago, I wrote "reading New Moon by Stephanie Meyer" in my Facebook profile and the comments were overwhelming. But one comment really open my eyes. It goes like this ..."you are the only guy I know reading the Twilight Saga.."

Okay, I have nothing against that comment, neither do I mind about it. I love reading books and I believe that it matters not what kind of book you are reading as long as you are conscious about it and know 'your ground'. I am aware that this book is clearly 'talks' towards the female readers, but when you like reading, you read what you like.

And browsing youtube just now, I came across this. A beautiful song which suited New Moon perfectly. It is not the official soundtrack of course but having read the novel, I know it's very appropriate for the book. So sit down and enjoy. Love the lyric so much..
